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empresas do Brasil.
San Diego, CA

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Noun: truth; Adv: true, truly.

Verum Ingredients was founded in 2016 by Ricardo Dias, a Ph.D. in Chemistry and highly experienced pharma and food professional. Our offices are in Downtown San Diego, in the resourceful Southern California, where we find one of the highest concentrations of food scientists and food companies in the world.

Verum Ingredients supports the robustness, safety and traceability of food ingredient supply chains from South America. By supporting our clients to source true, safe, great quality ingredients, we contribute to the promotion of healthier, flavor-rich food habits. We truly believe that proper nutrition is a key pillar for the body, mind and soul balance. We also support our clients to develop their value-added products through the joint search for functionalities, processes, contract manufacturers, co-packers and/or distributors.

Through our work with clean, fair-traded ingredients, we promote a healthy lifestyle for the consumers, a sustainable exploitation of natural resources and a positive social impact for small farmers and their communities.

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