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In more recent times, the formal promise of marriage is less and less frequent, as are engagement parties.[citation needed]

The engagement time is for the bride and groom to agree on the details of the party and how they will live together (house, address, furniture, etc).

The engagement ring is usually worn on the right hand and later worn on the left hand at the time of the wedding.

Currently, the jewel that symbolizes this moment is the engagement ring. A world-renowned gesture is when the groom kneels down to make the long-awaited request.

The tradition comes from the Middle Ages, where knights paid loyalty and respect to the feudal lord. Therefore, by kneeling down to propose, the future groom pledges loyalty and respect in asking for the hand of his future bride.



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(79) 99677-8690
(79) 99854-0243
(79) 99858-7250
É proprietário desta empresa?
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